Agency History
In 1952 U.S. Congressman John E. Fogarty incorporated what is now known as the Fogarty Center. Originally established as a day services alternative for adults with developmental disabilities, the Fogarty Center has evolved into one of the largest non-profit agencies in Rhode Island.
Now in its 70th year of operation, the Fogarty Center has grown in scope and size to meet the evolving needs of people with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities. Providing a variety of services throughout the State of Rhode Island to more than 1400 hundred children, adults, and families, the Fogarty Center is proud to carry on the legacy set forth by the countless individuals who advocated for people with disabilities.

A the young age of 26, then President of the local Bricklayers Union John Edward Fogarty is elected to Congress, driven by a mission to righten inequities both in Rhode Island and nationally. His vision for a brighter future would include all people, including those with disabilities.

Recognizing the urgency and need to support children with disabilities and their families a “Parent Counsel” was created of over 100 people as a voice of grassroots advocacy. In turn in 1952, The John E. Fogarty Center was established and dedicated in his name, the first of its kind in the Providence Gas Company Building.

As he was widely known as “Mr. Public Health” for his distinct focus and contributions on public health-related legislation, Congressman Fogarty championed a number of bills that revolutionized health care as it is now known. Namely, developed both home and community-based models that set the standard for disability services.

In his legacy, our organization played a crucial role in the Disability Rights and Independent Living Movement. The John E. Fogarty Center leveraged grant funding to expand services with the most significant disabilities as an alternative for families instead of institutions.

With a focus on inclusion, the Steve N. Picillo Community Center was established as a resource as services were evolving during the self-advocacy movement. In response to increase the state’s initiative to increase community living, in 1982 Ocean State Community Resources also was founded, and started off providing residential services from six group homes in the community.

With the closing of The Ladd Center, the state’s institution, The John E. Fogarty Center was uniquely positioned to assist the transition of former residents to more inclusive lives. Lamplighters, our founded family advocacy service helped individuals supported, parents and siblings regain the power and voice that institutionalization had robbed them of for so long.

With the new millennium, we seized the chance to expand our programs and services, always with the belief that valuing civil rights and those we serve is our calling in life. Under the leadership of then OSCR CEO David C. Reiss, introduced Self-Directed Services as a new option, empowering individuals and families with an inclusive model.

In 2017 Ocean State Community Resources merged with The John E. Fogarty Center as “The Fogarty Center”, combining an excellent administrative and direct-support workforce that is known for our person-centered approach to providing whole-person community-based services, including Employment.

Celebrating 70 years of excellence and dedication to the community, we at The Fogarty Center are honored to live out the vision and legacy Congressman Fogarty. Fogarty is the largest non-profit provider for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the state of RI. Our hard working employees embody, our hard-working employees demonstrate each day as embodied in our mission statement, we “empower people to improve the quality of their lives”. The best is yet to come!
The Future

Thank you for learning of our rich history that we are proud to be a part of. We are always looking for new professionals to join our team and continue our growth and making a difference in the lives of those we serve. To learn more about our career opportunities please click here!